2012-04-15 | 13:22 - IPhone 5 Release Date 2012: Apple Fans Predicting A Dud

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Data: 2012-04-15 | 13:22

IPhone 5 Release Date 2012: Apple Fans Predicting A Dud

The Apple iPhone 5 has been a long time coming, as most tech watchers expected it to come out last year, only to be disappointed when the iPhone 4s was Apple's next big thing.

Featuring a nicer camera than the previous model sported, Siri voice recognition and a superior processor, the iPhone 4s was an improvement over the iPhone 4, but it was not the game-changing iPhone 5 that everyone had been salivating over for months.

And it seems that many Apple-heads are back in that same mindset -- remembering what happened last time, and not getting their hopes up that the iPhone 5 release date will be a revolutionary day for smartphones.

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